Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Ride

Typical spring ride today,  cool and windy, with gusts up to 25 mph out of the NW.  So, I stayed close to Waseca , not wanting to challenge the wind to far out of town. 

I was happy to see my favorite flower (don't hit me), the dandelion.  On my organic farm,  I routinely pick and eat dandelions raw, because I noticed it was the favorite food of my cattle (bar nun).

"Traditionally, dandelion roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems. Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow. In Europe, it was used in remedies for fever, boils, eye problems, diabetes, and diarrhea."

Speaking of dandelions springing to life,  the only way to really live life to the Plus+ is to love Jesus.  So this day, the celebration of His resurrection is special to me.   I rejoiced as I rode through the wind admiring the yellow flowers along the sides of the road.

I'm not entirely sure if P90X is helping my bike riding, but it certainly is helping my body composition, and my upper body strength.  I've done 66 straight days of workouts, with another 30 or so left.  Time to start trying to work some jogging into the schedule.  Guess I am going to have to get up earlier!

Live Life to the PLUS+

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