Sunday, April 29, 2012

Serenaded by western meadowlarks: Missouri River Bluff Bike Ride, Platte, South Dakota

Up early leaving Nebraska headed back to Minnesota via southern South Dakota.  The Nebraska sandhills are beautiful, the South Dakota reservations stark, and then you come upon the relief created by the Missouri River.  Wow!  Get off of Interstate 90 and take a back road, it gets even better. 

The sun was just rising, and the bluff hills of the Missouri looked so inviting and challenging that I could not resist stopping the truck and getting the bike out.  So, once I crossed the Lake Francis Case, Missouri River bridge on Highway 44 I pulled over in a little South Dakota state recreation and camping area.  Just west of the little town of Platte.

I don't travel across country with my bike clothes on, so a "California change" was necessary.  The bike was ready, and the only thing I needed was some water for my bottles.  It was early about 7AM and quite chilly, so not finding water for the 20 mile ride, was not a serious concern.

This Highway 44 between the towns of Winner and Platte has an excellent biking surface and nice wide paved shoulders.  It was to early on Saturday to encounter many cars, so I had the road to myself.  The silence was broken only by the serenade of the western meadowlark.  I have never heard so many meadowlarks at one time.  It was just gorgeous.  I will try to load a Youtube so you can hear some of it.

My desire was just to ride about 20 miles of hills, to try to get my climbing legs.  Turns out, that according the, this little section of bluffs has a Cat 4 climb as well as a 3 and 2.  I thoroughly enjoyed the hills and the melody of the birds.   The few cars that met me, all waved the "farmer index finger wave"  so I knew I was accepted on this stretch of road. 

Checking my bike computer, I got in alittle over 20 miles with 1900 feet of climbing. California change back to driving clothes, and down to the pretty little town of Platte for 3 eggs, bacon and toast and coffee.  Really good "mother-in-law" coffee.  The cafe was full of local people laughing and talking.  I appreciated the smiles and hello's.  One man even stopped at my table and welcomed me to town, and indicated that he was a Gideon and they were having a Bible study.  Most of all, I appreciated the way the local people shared Christ with their smiles and welcoming body language.  Very refreshing ! after a good early morning ride on the beautiful Missouri River. 

Live Life to the PLUS+

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