Sunday, April 29, 2012

First run

After 90 days of P90X it's time for me to add running to my routine, if I can.  I have struggled with a lower back disk injury for 3 years.  I am hoping the strengthening of my core via P90X will make a difference.  Today I ran 2 miles at a 10 minute pace on the old central running track.  Worked great!  Had only planned to do 1 mile, but my hip and back felt good so I went for 2.    I practiced  winding my arm and hips, trying to use my bigger leg muscles, and leaning forward as recommended in the Chi of Running.  No pain or numbness, yeah!  One down.

So now I start P90X Doubles.    Getting ready for the Grand Fondo and a possible triathlon or two.

Live Life to the PLUS+

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