Sunday, March 11, 2012

First 50 degree Ride

It was a beautiful early March day for a bike ride.  The first  50 degree ride of the 2012 season.  Winds were out of the south at about 15 mph, so I decided to be easy on myself and ride south to start with.  At the little town of Otisco, I turned east and then back north, with the wind to Waseca.  The geese were migrating north on the south wind, and I saw my first robin, and redwing blackbird. 

I'm guessing it will be less than 10 days, and the farmers will be back in the field gearing up to plant corn.  Not sure how corn seed will do planted in early April, but it seems like we better get used to this, because the climate is changing. 

At the very end of my ride I ran into a friend preparing for an estate sale, and he let me borrow this painting of Thompson's Boat house on Clear Lake.  Painted by a local artist in the early 1960's.  I used to hang out here and fish for the big northern's right on the dock next to the minnow cages. 

Live Life to the PLUS+

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