Thursday, January 20, 2011

5 a day, not enough

New research indicates that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables is not enough to significantly lower the risk of heart disease. Recent survey data indicates that those who eat 8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily had a 22% reduction in heart disease as compared to those eating 5 servings.

A serving is 80 grams, or approximately a small banana, smalla apple, etc..
Did you get your 8 servings of fruits and vegetables today? If you are not, consider Juice Plus+ . It will helps you get the equivalent of 17 fruits and vegetables a day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Eat your greens"

Turns out, this advice you got as a child could pay major dividends as an adult. Scientists have recently identified extracts from vegetables that help maintain healthy hormone levels. Having optimal hormone levels is essential to any anti- aging strategy.

For those unable to get the recommended servings of vegetables, Juice Plus is our insurance policy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Disease Defense

-Systemic free radical damage is an age accelerator.
-Experiments boost life spans by nearly 100 % when free radicals are minimized.
-Among the most potent free radical fighters are anthocyanins and polyphenols abundant in dark fruits and vegetables.

Maturing individuals should strive for intake of the equivalent of at least 5 servings of anthocyanin foods daily.

Vineyard Blend contains several berries full of anthrocyanins.