Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ironman Wisdom

"If you want to be functional at 80, you better d*** well pay attention at 40!" ~ Lew Hollander, 80-yr-old Ironman

Friday, December 17, 2010

Go Green to Stop Diabetes

From the January 2010 Prevention Magazine:

People who eat a little more than 1 serving daily of leafy green vegetables have a 14 % lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Greens like spinach, and kale contain a triple whammy: antioxidants, magnesium, alpha linoleic acid. University of Leicester, England

Just think what your body is going to feel like when you get the benefit of these leafy greens every day plus 24 other veggies, fruits and berries combined?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The nutritional bridge

Juice Plus+ is the whole food extracts of 26 fruits, vegetables and berries. Packed with phyto-nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and the life giving goodness of raw fresh produce. Juice Plus+ cannot replace eating your apple or banana or carrot everyday, but it can be the Nutritional Bridge that gets you from 1 to 2 servings of fruits and vegetables to 7 to 13 servings.

So Juice Plus+ gets you from a good start(1-2 servings) a day to a good finish (7-10 servings) by bridging the gap between what we do and what we need to do.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Multivitamins most likely myth, not magic (Pioneer Press, 12-15-10)

For those who don't eat their veggies, a multivitamin isn't going to do a darn thing, Sorry.

"It's a myth that if you have poor diet and take a multivitamin it will somehow make up for it," says Marion Neuhouser, lead author and associate member in the Public Health Sciences Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. "Multivitamins don't contain all of the benefits of plant foods and whole grains."

Juice Plus + is whole food based nutrition. Juice Plus+ does provide the benefits of plant nutrients and some whole grains, allowing us to "bridge the gap" between what we do eat, and what we should eat.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Juice Plus+ is not.

Juice Plus+® is not:
Juice Plus+® is not a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables.
Everyone should eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day, at least 7-13 servings according to the USDA food pyramid at Juice Plus+ provides whole food based nutrition from 17 fruits, vegetables, and grains, because we often do not get nearly enough of the real thing every day.
Juice Plus+® is not a medicine, treatment, or cure for any disease or condition.
Many of the healthful benefits of taking Juice Plus+ have been demonstrated in clinical research conducted by investigators at leading hospitals and universities around the world, and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Juice Plus+® is not a multivitamin.
Juice Plus+ contains a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins - along with other antioxidants and phytonutrients - than traditional vitamin supplements.
Juice Plus+® is not a multi-level marketing (MLM) program.
Juice Plus+ is a product offered directly from the manufacturer to the consumer through a network of independent representatives. While anyone is welcome to become a Juice Plus+ representative, the vast majority of the people who buy and use Juice Plus+ are simply customers.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cancel the Dermatologist

J_ _ _ _ was scheduled to see her dermatologist this week, but after 4 weeks on Juice Plus her acne has been significantly reduced, and she has cancelled the appointment.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Complete Ingredients of Juice Plus+ Capsules

Juice Plus +
Garden Blend

calcium ascorbate
calcium carbonate
Lactobacillus acidophilus
d-alpha tocopherol
beta carotene
natural enzyme blend
sugar beet fiber
garlic powder
oat bran
rice bran
mixed tocopherols Dunaliella salina
folic acid

Juice Plus +
Orchard Blend

acerola cherry
calcium ascorbate
citrus pectin
beet root
citrus bioflavoniods
Lactobacillus acidophilius
natural enzyme blend
d-alpha tocopherol
beta carotene
date fiber
prune fiber
Dunaliella salina
folic acid

Juice Plus +
Vineyard Blend

Concord Grape
red currant
black currant
green tea
ginger root
grape seed
d-alpha tocopherol
calcium ascorbate
silicon dioxide
magnesium stearate
natural enzyme blend
coenzyme Q10
folic acid

Live Life to the PLUS+

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hunting in Remission

With his lung cancer in remission, Steve feels like he has more energy and feels better since starting Juice Plus+ 30 days ago. He was able to get his buck during deer season last week, and he is headed out to ice fish this week!

Live Life to the PLUS+

Hit The Greens

From Men's Health.  December 2010

Load up on produce. Even just a daily serving of leafy green vegetables may help lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes.
(British Medical Journal)

Polyphenols in vegetables like cabbage and spinach may help ward off oxidative stress that can lead to diabetes and other chronic diseases. 

Live Life to the PLUS+

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Recent Customer Comments

Female bike racer in her late 30's commented that she feels like she is experiencing higher levels of energy after 30 days on Juice Plus+

Female college student has experienced better skin health and is receiving compliments on her face and hair, after 45 days on Juice Plus+

Live Life to the PLUS+

Indoles and Isothiocyanates: Phytonutrient # 3

Found mainly in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale) these phytonutrients help reduce cancer risks by activating enzymes that detoxify carcinogens, lower estrogen levels and suppress tumor growth.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Thursday, December 2, 2010


This category of phytonutrients includes anthocyanins, catechins, ellagic acid, flavonols, isoflavones, quercetin, and resveratrol.

These antioxidants also prevent blood clotting, protect against heart disease, lower harmful estrogen levels, protect the eyes and improve symptoms of allergy and arthritis.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Flava Flow

The high intake of flavanoids improved indications of blood vessel dilation by 47 % in people with coronary heart disease according to research in California and Germany 

Flavanoids may boost the circulation of angiogenic cells, a variety that repairs arteries.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Current Testimonials I have Heard

A woman has reduced the use of her inhaler for asthma from year round use to only in the spring, after being on Juice Plus+.

Young man in his 20's stopped his bleeding gums after 3 weeks of using Juice Plus +.

Man in his 50's lowered his triglycerides, bad cholesterol and blood pressure after 2 years on Juice Plus.

Boy' hockey slap shot feels stronger after 1 week on Juice Plus !! :)

Woman's skin and hair looking more vibrant and healthy after 2 months. Friends are complimenting her on her appearance.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Phyto-nutrient 1: Carotenoids

Crotenoids are plant pigments. They give plants color. Carotenoids act as anti-oxidants, enhance the immune system, facilitate cell to cell communication, and protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation. Common carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables include alpha- carotene, beta- carotene, lutein,lycopene and zeaxanthin.

Clinical research has show increased levels of carotenoids in the blood of those receiving Juice Plus+ as compared to those not receiving the fruits and vegetables in a capsule.

Live Life to the PLUS+

Monday, November 29, 2010

Phyto- What? What are phytonutients?

Phyto means plant. Phytonutrients are non-vitamin, non-mineral organic components found in plants. It's the inner life of the plant.

Phytonutrients provide three major purposes in the human body:
•act as antioxidant (destroying free radicals associated with aging and disease)
•regulate hormone levels
•eliminate toxins

Common phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables:
•Indoles and isothiocyanates

Live Life to the PLUS+

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Concept of Juice Plus

The Juice Plus+® Concept
Powerful, whole food based nutrition in a convenient capsule
Vegetable gardens. Fruit orchards. They give us nature's bounty and provide the foundation for healthy living and good nutrition.
The latest dietary guidelines and clinical research consistently emphasize that people need to eat more fruits and vegetables to improve their chances of living long and healthy lives. And scientists learn more every day about the nutritional power packed into every tomato, cranberry, and piece of broccoli. Antioxidants. Phytonutrients. Vitamins. Fiber. And more.
Juice Plus+ provides whole food nutrition from 26 different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient and inexpensive capsule form. Juice Plus+ Orchard Blend contains seven of the most nutritious fruits around: apples, oranges, pineapple, cranberries, peaches, acerola cherries, and papaya. Juice Plus+ Garden Blend contains ten nutrient-dense vegetables and grains: carrots, parsley, beets, kale, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes,  rice bran, and oat bran.Vineyard Blend contains nine different berries: red and black currant, grape,blackberry,blueberry, cranberry, bilberry,raspberry, elderberry.
Taking Juice Plus+ capsules every day provides the nutritional foundation we so desperately need - and that is so lacking in our diets today. It's a simple, smart solution you can really count on - because it's backed by clinical research.

Live Life to the PLUS+